Where the Grass is Greener

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    18 December 2007

    Christmas Birthdays

    True story. It happened to a friend of a friend of mine...

    Actually my parents told me this story from the weekend and it was just so lovely I had to post it.

    Picture a small 6yr old talking to her mother.

    6yr: Mum, What's the name of that man you were telling me about? The one who's having his birthday soon?

    Mum: Jesus.

    6yr: Oh yeah. He must be the luckiest man in the world - imagine having your birthday on Christmas Day!

    Too cute. I told this story to a man I work with who has his birthday on Christmas Day (which I think explains a lot about him, especially the bitterness...) - his response was along the lines of: "Ha. Lucky. Yes."

    In other birthday related news, mine is this Friday - woot!

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      14 December 2007

      Geckos and Bananas

      I had no idea we had geckos in Victoria until husband spotted one on our backyard umbrella this morning.

      I'm very curious to know what type of gecko it was, so have emailed the Museum Victoria Discovery Centre. They have an 'ask an expert' function where you can email them and they either research the answer or find out through one of the Museum scientists / curators / historians / museoligists etc.

      While I was there I noticed their question of the week - is a Banana a vegetable, fruit or a herb? Surprisingly the answer is two of these... see here.

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        08 December 2007

        G is for Greedy

        I think from now on there should be a ban on anyone dying, or if that isn't possible, no more wills. Or something.

        It seems to me that perfectly happy families can have the most outrageous and serious fall-outs when someone dies. Secrets come out, people begin to associate material objects as a measure for love/relationship strength (myself included), greed and theft is discovered...

        Suffice to say husband has not had a pleasant week with the passing of a family member, and consequently, neither have I. We've had numerous moments of shock, disbelief, and more than one rant about the craziness and greediness of people. Secrets will out, and people expose themselves as unthinking and stupid, so much so that they then can't bring themselves to attend their own mothers funeral as it would mean facing up to their actions.

        Almost everyone has a story about a family fall-out following a death. I've always found it very easy to 'pooh-pooh' these situations - how could you possibly be that angry with someone who you love (and share your genes with) over something as trivial as money and objects?

        My experiences over the last couple of years has shown that there really is a darker underbelly that lurks, waiting to inherit... and all this time I just thought I had a nice tan going on.

        Don't you love being at work on a weekend?

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          07 December 2007

          Me? Worm in a hat? Hell yeah!

          Arrived this morning to find a christmas card and cute cookie sitting on my desk: Is it wrong that I probably am the most likely person to appreciate a worm in a hat?

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            04 December 2007

            These Boots have gone to bed

            We won, we won, we won!
            My four teammates and I totally just won the Singing Office and a shiny trophy too - oh yeah baby, we totally rock. It is such a pretty, shiny trophy that a drag queen tried to steal it. OK, so he was actually from Four N Twenty Pies and was still in his make up, but still, it speaks volumes of the loveliness of the trophy.
            Hence it needs close guarding...Was ever grateful to the beautiful QKC girls who all made the special trip down for a second reunion for the year.
            We drank. A lot. And then we woke up and did it again. We were bemused by drunken Irishmen, two of us suffered bumps on the head (from the same evil seat), and lets face it, we all faniced ourselves in the pink cowgirl hat!
            I'm sad that the singing and performing and receiving of the attention is all over, but at least I can watch the DVD anytime and remember when I had my fifteen minutes...
            Admittedly that 'anytime' has been several times. I know its considered a problem when you drink by yourself, but is it so worng to watch yourself by yourself?