Barrel O Hangers
In my joy of having put together new Ikea furniture, particularly wardrobes, I neglected to realise that this would involve putting away my clothes. This is a task I hate at the best of times, which either husband or parentals can attest to. I carefully weighed up the pros and cons of completing this thrilling domestic task.
I wouldn't have to live out of a suitcase and cardboard boxes
All my shoes would be more readily accessible
The bedroom would be less cluttered
I would have to fold my clothes (ugh)
I would have to hang my clothes (double ugh)
I would have to admit to how many shoes I own (much to husband's disgust)
I would now need to maintain a cleaner bedroom as I didn't have the excuse that I was living out of a suitcase and cardboard boxes anymore
So, the cons outweigh the pros, but this was clearly as task that had to be done, so I decided to grit my teeth and bear it (I would have much preferred to lie back and think of England, but that wouldn't have got this particular task done).
My clothes just fit in the drawers and hanging space, but my shoes didn't quite. May have to throw some out... Admitting to this will thrill husband enormously and make the size ten footed women out there cry "No!" at such a senseless waste.
The worst part though was the coat hangers. When we moved I packed all our clothes into boxes and then packed a separate box full of hangers. Getting out a single hanger was like playing 'Barrel O Monkeys' in reverse, and exactly the reverse amount of fun. Rather than trying to hook the hangers together to make a nice long chain and win the game, I had to fight to get them out in singles and won the exciting treat of hanging up my clothes. Woo. Hoo.
I struggled for some time over this task and got frustrated and yelled at the Barrel O Hangers - but it is hard to argue with misshapen wire and wood at the best of times (damn inanimate objects).
I'm starting to think that I'm not really cut out for this domestic goddess business. Actually I started thinking that I while ago. Like, twenty odd years ago when I developed a sense of situational awareness. This was about the time I learnt to recognise dad's anger at messiness. Safe to say I didn't inherit a lack of domesticity from my dad.
I wouldn't have to live out of a suitcase and cardboard boxes
All my shoes would be more readily accessible
The bedroom would be less cluttered
I would have to fold my clothes (ugh)
I would have to hang my clothes (double ugh)
I would have to admit to how many shoes I own (much to husband's disgust)
I would now need to maintain a cleaner bedroom as I didn't have the excuse that I was living out of a suitcase and cardboard boxes anymore
So, the cons outweigh the pros, but this was clearly as task that had to be done, so I decided to grit my teeth and bear it (I would have much preferred to lie back and think of England, but that wouldn't have got this particular task done).
My clothes just fit in the drawers and hanging space, but my shoes didn't quite. May have to throw some out... Admitting to this will thrill husband enormously and make the size ten footed women out there cry "No!" at such a senseless waste.
The worst part though was the coat hangers. When we moved I packed all our clothes into boxes and then packed a separate box full of hangers. Getting out a single hanger was like playing 'Barrel O Monkeys' in reverse, and exactly the reverse amount of fun. Rather than trying to hook the hangers together to make a nice long chain and win the game, I had to fight to get them out in singles and won the exciting treat of hanging up my clothes. Woo. Hoo.
I struggled for some time over this task and got frustrated and yelled at the Barrel O Hangers - but it is hard to argue with misshapen wire and wood at the best of times (damn inanimate objects).
I'm starting to think that I'm not really cut out for this domestic goddess business. Actually I started thinking that I while ago. Like, twenty odd years ago when I developed a sense of situational awareness. This was about the time I learnt to recognise dad's anger at messiness. Safe to say I didn't inherit a lack of domesticity from my dad.
Putting clothes away is good, but I find that every time I wash them, I have to put them away again!? Wtf?
This is my favoured method:
1. Take clean clothes off line and put on bed.
2. At bedtime, put clean clothes on floor.
3. In the morning, scoop clean clothes up and put them on bed, take out clothes to wear that day.
4. Repeat 2 and 3 as necessary.
As the week goes on, the pile will get smaller and smaller until it is just 3 socks (always 5) which you can shove into the sock drawer. Everything else makes its way back to the laundry basket and the cycle begins anew.
I totally understand the hanger thing. They are horrible things. On a related topic, I am a little bit scared of wire hangers and their pointy ends that can scratch you.
Sherd, at 4:49 pm
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