Some short stories for you
A couple of weekends ago I secretly arranged with little bro to come up to the Berra to surprise parentals and sister before they motored of to Canadia. Credit where credit is due - he managed to keep the secret and arrange for a special dinner out without anyone catching on (he is a terrible liar). Everyone was suitably surprised and (thankfully) pleased to see me!
We had dinner at Telstra Tower in the rotating restaurant. Only slight motion sickness which was soon washed away by champers. A delightfully expensive dinner and 6 bottles of champers later we poured ourselves into bed.
I managed to coordinate breaky with my gals and the siblings before spending the afternoon with little sister watching a girlie movie while mum edited her thesis.
All too soon it was time to fly off home. Only one night and I didn't get to see many people but it was lovely.
I had the realisation that I've been away for two years now, and although I lurve Melbs, I do miss my peeps in the Berra. *insert small whimper*
Story 2: House Hunting depressing and annoying. We've yet to see anything that really stands out that would fit all of our stuff! Why oh why am I not a millionaire?
How do people afford to buy houses on one income? How do people afford to take a year of mat leave?
Still, it is exciting to think that we are looking for something to really call our own. I am going to put up sooooo many shelves. Why do rentals never have shelves? And I'll have lots of photo frames - mmm, hooks in walls...
Story 3: Ice Skating
Turns out I remember how! I took the infamous 12yr old (infamous because of the make up job, see post below) ice skating last weekend. I hadn't been in about ten years and 12yr old had never been. We were both slightly nervous and we having hot chocolates waiting for our session to start when an ambulance turned up to take away a woman with a broken wrist - this did wonders for our confidence.
Once we were on the ice though we did well. I remembered a few small tricks (small be the operative part there, and tricks being a bit of an exaggeration). Neither of us fell over, which did wonders for my already cold bum.
I chatted to an older gentleman who looked pretty skilled - turns out if you are 82 and have been skating since you were 10 you get pretty good at it. I requested tricks (of the proper kind) and he politely acquiesced to my request.
Story 4: Migraines
I had a headache for two days - the first day was pretty excruciating and I began to wonder at what point one ought to go to hospital. Possibly a slight over reaction, but I was in pain! Pain!
I have got some new drugs from the doc. When I took a second dose I got hot flushes and felt like throwing up. I left work in the afternoon, husband drove me home and I slept. I dreamt that Lan and I were refused entry to an RSL because they didn't believe that we'd spend money in the pokies. Bastards. they were right of course, but it was mean of them.
Unfortunately when I woke up I was still in a lot of pain. I was totally lucid though (nice change from before the nap) and wasn't photophobic anymore so I could happily watch Neighbours. Even that didn't fix my head! I thought Neighbours cured everything...
That night it took me forever to fall asleep because of the late afternoon nap. Ooh was I tired and cranky the next day!
Story 5: Friday Night Live
Many weeks ago I had promised the 12yr old that we'd watch Friday Night Live together. A trip to Preston Markets for our weekly meat, fruit and veg, as well as going via the Asian Grocers to buy random treats, some slices of pizza and we were home on the couch. Watching TV with the 12yrd old is an interesting experience. I am coming to understand why Big Brother and Idol etc are so popular and why Shannon Knoll got as far as he did. Of course she likes the blonde girl and the blonde boy the best. The 12yr old pissed herself laughing last night as we watched FNL - she was totally ROFLing.
Story 6: Miff Days
I'm working this weekend and am pretty tired. Have designated Monday and Tuesday as Miff Days. I don't have to go anywhere or do anything. I may indulge in some Buffy, possibly some shopping and a lot of tea on the couch.