A cultural weekend with Nellie

Friday morning saw us trotting off to Melbourne Museum to see the Great Wall of China exhibition, as well as some of the other permanent exhibits (Phar Lap, Bugs Alive, blah blah blah). A couple of interesting hours there and it was back to Preston to pick up our aunt who took us to Heide, contemporary art gallery. It's always beneficial to have an art teacher along with you when visiting galleries.
Friday night we went out to a Japanese restaurant in Northcote with said aunt, Niinz and Anne. Yummy! I'm sooooo loving Japanese food right now.
Saturday was slightly less than cultural and more than a bit indulgent. After a quick breaky at the mall (mmm, muffins) we spent THE WHOLE DAY reading the new Harry Potter book. Which we enjoyed. Every ten minutes or so we'd have to do a quick 'where are you up to? what did you think of...' I managed to finish mine off that night. I enjoyed it, very different to the others. A little on the predictable side, but seeing as it is children's fiction I suppose I can let that one slide!
Sunday saw us back on track with our cultural plans - breakfast at the Vic Markets (well, jam doughnuts anyway) was followed by a visit to ACMI to see a Pixar exhibition. Tasty lunch was followed by a visit to the NGV Ian Potter gallery at Fed Square - both this and Pixar we inspiring and made me miss painting a lot.
Monday Nellie and I caught the train into the city (much less stressful than trying to work out where to park) and went to NGV International to see the Guggenheim Collection. We hired iPods and did an audio tour, which was brilliant. Several hours later (and a quick trip to the NGV shop, I lurve shops at galleries) and we were back on the train home.
A Sodoku race on the train kept us entertained and distracted from the schoolies. A kebab made with Turkish bread kept us warm for our windy (blowy, not curvy) walk home.
Then it was off to the airport!
All in all a lovely weekend, filled with giggling, walking along arm in arm singing stupid songs we made up about each other, lots of chai tea, lots of dog licks and excited squeaks, both wearing jeans and red cons every day, rolling our eyes about random adventures by our bruvver, drinking champagne and doing Marilyn Monroe impressions at each other.
Yay for us and Boo to stinky boys (not you hubby, you are lovely and good and I love you).
What a lovely weekend! Boo to stinky boys indeed, orange is totally lame.
Sherd, at 6:39 pm
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