Where the Grass is Greener

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    05 July 2007

    Visit from the Ho and should I visit Home?

    Well, that's what I call my little bro anyways. I call him 'Ho' he calls me 'Mo'. It all works out pretty fair...

    So, Ho and Kaz (Ho's girl) came down on Saturday for a little weekend visit (hurrah for Virginblue sales!) and we had some small adventures. First stop was the Vic Markets, which was uber busy. The jam donuts helped though. Most of the stalls were very samesy, which was disappointing. The Old Bus Depot Markets in 'Berra are good because when they take bookings for stalls they don't allow doubles (although it is considerably smaller).

    We went out for dinner to a Thai restaurant in Northcote with Ho's best friend, Ray (aka Sing Star addict). They went out for drinkies and dancing afterwards and I took my sickie-moo-la-la hubby home for more drugs and some sleep.

    A lazy Sunday morning for us all - although I got too hungry and had to wake the kids up at around 11am for breaky. They disappeared to go shopping at DFO (I resisted, having been only two weeks previously) and husband and I spent the afternoon playing X-Box and reading, respectively.

    The evening brought with it Ray and a Play Station and eight Sing Star discs. And some random Estonians who I didn't really know (gotta love when guests invite people over without telling you). We sang the night away, although I kept getting cranky because I wasn't winning. Damn that Kaz! I drank a bottle of champers, so lets pretend that's why I wasn't winning.

    The parentals also flew back in from OS on the Sunday, and it was nice to speak to them in the same time zone. The mater had, of course, an entirely dramatic flight and customs experience (as is her right and royal duty) and the pater a small hiccup with one of my (many hundreds? hopefully?) presents at customs which had bark on it.

    Looking forward to seeing the parentals soon, as it has been many many months and I am in bad need of some presents. Trying to think of a good way to either guilt them into visiting, or convincing myself that I feel like driving home for a week (and perhaps visiting the grandparentals ont he south coast who are continually guilting me about not visiting although I now live 12hrs away not 3hrs).

    Problem with going home is that I'll have to sleep in the spare bed - evil of evils. It's a double (not a queen - oh the shame!) and much shorter and squeakier than my bed. And it is next to the bathroom, so a bit noisy when you are trying to sleep in.

    Would be nice to see my little Nella though...

    Hmm, will sit and ponder small holidays.


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