Goodbye to Pinkie
I don't, as a general rule, tend to make new years resolutions. Like most people I have a great track record of not bothering to do anything about them once I've decided what they are. Admittedly once I did type them up and save the word doc onto my desktop, placed it right in the middle of the screen and named it 'Evil Reminder' in an attempt to guilt myself. Didn't work, although not surprises there.
This year I haven't officially admitted any, but thinking about it I suppose I have made a couple.
I'm only going to admit one because I've actually carried through on it - buying a new car.
Recently I took my car 'Pinkie' (after Pinkie & the Brain) to get her wheels re-aligned. The nice mechanic told me this was the 'least of my worries' and that I need to get myself off to Pedders quick sticks. He didn't even charge me for whatever he did to make it drive straighter (although the wheel is sitting at a permanent angle now). I already knew that Pinkie was in need of a new drive shaft, but new suspension was beginning to sound expensive. And once she was being properly checked out I just knew that costs were going to go up, and up, and up.
I made the mistake of telling my mum, who has since been having nightmares of me braking down on the highway on the way to work.
I've had Pinkie since 1999 - a pretty god run. She stilll drives nice and fast!
So, long story a little bit shorter, I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new car. Last weekend husband and I wandered down to the local car dealer to check out the VW Golf's that I have been driving past every day. I didn't really think we'd be buying a car that day, but we did!
(Finance pending) I am now the proud owner of a gold 98 Golf! huzzah! It has A/C! It has a CD player! It has air bags! It has cute yellow and black trimmings inside! The drivers seat goes up and down for any short arses who need to drive my car! Too much excitemeent adn exclamaiton marks!!! Technology has certainly come along since Pinkie's day (1989). Just waiting to get the loan approved, so fingers and toes are all crossed...
Most importantly is the name for my new little baby - I'm thinking 'Caddie' as in Golf Caddie, but am open to suggestions. I may need to drive around in her a bit before I can officially name her (its definitely a girl, she's so spunky).
The dirivng will take a bit of getting used to as the indicators and wipers are swapped around. I get the feeling I'll be doing a lot of changing lanes using my wipers. Also the who 'wheels aligned' thing will be nice.
Guilt is starting to creep in about Pinkie though. I haven't really broken the news to her yet, and when I filled her up yesterday I only put in $25 worth as I'm not sure how long it will be before Caddie is on the scene. Pinkie will probably be going straight to the wreckers (it'll cost more to fix her than she's worth) - I feel like I'm sending a horse to the glue factory.
This year I haven't officially admitted any, but thinking about it I suppose I have made a couple.
I'm only going to admit one because I've actually carried through on it - buying a new car.
Recently I took my car 'Pinkie' (after Pinkie & the Brain) to get her wheels re-aligned. The nice mechanic told me this was the 'least of my worries' and that I need to get myself off to Pedders quick sticks. He didn't even charge me for whatever he did to make it drive straighter (although the wheel is sitting at a permanent angle now). I already knew that Pinkie was in need of a new drive shaft, but new suspension was beginning to sound expensive. And once she was being properly checked out I just knew that costs were going to go up, and up, and up.
I made the mistake of telling my mum, who has since been having nightmares of me braking down on the highway on the way to work.
I've had Pinkie since 1999 - a pretty god run. She stilll drives nice and fast!
So, long story a little bit shorter, I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new car. Last weekend husband and I wandered down to the local car dealer to check out the VW Golf's that I have been driving past every day. I didn't really think we'd be buying a car that day, but we did!
(Finance pending) I am now the proud owner of a gold 98 Golf! huzzah! It has A/C! It has a CD player! It has air bags! It has cute yellow and black trimmings inside! The drivers seat goes up and down for any short arses who need to drive my car! Too much excitemeent adn exclamaiton marks!!! Technology has certainly come along since Pinkie's day (1989). Just waiting to get the loan approved, so fingers and toes are all crossed...
Most importantly is the name for my new little baby - I'm thinking 'Caddie' as in Golf Caddie, but am open to suggestions. I may need to drive around in her a bit before I can officially name her (its definitely a girl, she's so spunky).
The dirivng will take a bit of getting used to as the indicators and wipers are swapped around. I get the feeling I'll be doing a lot of changing lanes using my wipers. Also the who 'wheels aligned' thing will be nice.
Guilt is starting to creep in about Pinkie though. I haven't really broken the news to her yet, and when I filled her up yesterday I only put in $25 worth as I'm not sure how long it will be before Caddie is on the scene. Pinkie will probably be going straight to the wreckers (it'll cost more to fix her than she's worth) - I feel like I'm sending a horse to the glue factory.
You need not worry; animals unfortunately wind up dead and turned into glue.
Pinkie on the other hand will probably be resurrected and allowed to roam free on the highways and byways. Or recycled as donor parts for other Lasers, so think of it as organ donation and the fact you would be doing a service to the community.
Anonymous, at 8:10 pm
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