New car and no sleep
I'm the kind of girl who needs her eight hours sleep every night to function properly the next day. Last night I managed a grand total of five hours. So few hours I could count them on one hand. So not surprisingly I'm feeling a bit shit this morning. And I'm on the floor at work today running the programs and presenting rocket shows. Gah.
I'm hoping I don't get a migraine out of this, but then you never know your luck. Especially seeing as I bought some more migraine drugs on the weekend to keep at work , which I promptly left at home.
I'm hoping I don't get a migraine out of this, but then you never know your luck. Especially seeing as I bought some more migraine drugs on the weekend to keep at work , which I promptly left at home.
On the plus side, I had a lovely drive to work in our new little car, who is still nameless, cruising along in the 'big boys lane' (remember that Lan?) all the way here. So smooth, so speedy, so cute!
She (yes, it's a girl) is a lovely gold colour with crazy yellow and black trimmings inside. It is in great nick for an eight year old car.
There are soooo many Golfs on the road - I'd never really noticed before.
Is there some rule about waving to people who have the same car as you? All the VW Bug owners I've known always wave to other Bugs, should I be waving at Golf drivers?
Anyways, I'm looking forward to driving home. Already. At 8:58am.
What about Tiger for a name? Loose golf reference and matches the colours?
Anonymous, at 12:50 pm
Tiger is currently quite high on the list both cos of the colours and cos of Tiger Woods. But in Melbourne it also implies that I'm a Richmond supporter.
I'm thinking "The Mexican" maybe? Or something along the bumble bee theme.
Husband says I'm putting too much effort in and that the name should just come naturally. I feel like a cruel parent who can't name their child!
Miff, at 2:18 pm
Another vote for "Caddie". You can make fun of the fact that you will only ever need half as much fuel and half as many parking spaces as drivers of Cadillacs.
Around our place, with only sons, names have been much less romantic. There's "The Truck" (a 4WD), "The Bus" (a van), "The Blue Mazda" (Mrs Fitz's Mazda 3), "The Other Blue Mazda" (#1 Son's) and "The Toy Car" (#3 Son's Yaris)
Anonymous, at 6:32 pm
Ooh, Richmond, ew. Can't have that. Does it buzz? That would be good for bumblebee.
Give it time. Names like No Small Mango don't just happen every day, you know. In the interim you can take Mike's suggestion and go with "The Car".
Sherd, at 8:19 pm
I know! "The Buggy!" (... Golf Buggy - ... geddit? - ... No? Ok, "The Car" it is.)
Anonymous, at 12:47 am
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