I realised over the weekend that the 23rd of June was the anniversary of me leaving Questy after nine years.
Followed this week by the anniversary of my aunt Liz dying from mesothelioma last year.
The 30th of June is the anniversary of me leaving Canberra and moving to Melbourne.
To think about where I was this time last year, what was going on, who was sick, who was alive, is all very alien. Thankfully I've still got my dear old papa around, although this time last year I didn't know for how much longer that would be. Be given a very enthusiastic thumbs up by his doctors earlier this year was fabulous, and he and mum are currently in France working on fattening him up again (much to their displeasure, I'm sure!).
The fact that I've been living in Melbourne for a year now (well, 360 days anyway) is just bizarre. Although I was excited to be moving last year, it was so daunting. I had no idea how I was going to cope in a big city away from family and friends. I love it here, and it was a nice feeling when husband and I agreed to sign our lease for another twelve months.
As to who is still alive, this has been less than nice. Of course watching
Grey's Anatomy last night may not have been very timely - I seem to bawl almost weekly watching this of late, and it didn't help that the episode included lots of dying. It was strange getting large pieces of furniture from Liz's house just two weeks ago after her house was sold and things found new homes. I missed not getting my birthday card from her in December - the first time in living memory.
The one that still chokes me up, and perhaps has left a bigger hole in my little world, is my uncle Peeter's death in October last year. I still find it hard to understand how much strength his beautiful family have managed to maintain.
Hmmm. A little melancholy for a Monday. Apologies!
Looking forward to visits from brother and his gal this weekend, and the triumphant return of the hopefully plumper parents from France (and my Duty Free perfume - ooh la la!).