Where the Grass is Greener

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    23 August 2007

    Singing it up

    I'm going to a singing audition tomorrow for work, which should be interesting. Slightly nervous as I didn't realise the auditions were going to be filmed.

    Also deathly embarrassed at having to fill in an application form. The bit where you have to write down your hobbies and interests is depressing because I can only ever think of writing 'knitting' - which probably doesn't thrill the producer and makes me sound very very lame - I'm ntor eally lame! I swear! And yes, I'd love write down an embarrassing moment - that would be just great. And a sad moment too? Are you hoping for a nice touching story with tears? No worries - I'd love to have an emotional outburst captured on film.

    However, it will be a lot of fun if I get past the audition stage. And if I don't they'll probably get that emotional outburst they were hoping for... *winks*

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      19 August 2007

      Spanish Pilgrims

      This weekend in Melbs we had a few interstaters fly in to discuss and plan a trip to Spain next year. We were blessed with chere maman from the Berra and all the way form old Sydney town came the ever lovely HP - whose hair is in a very spunky and spikey purpley-red style at the moment.

      This trip to Spain is not just any old trip - this (apparently) is a pilgrimage. Husband and I are not participating. I think the crew are planning to walk around 20km a day for some number of weeks. I can't remember exactly.

      It was hard to interpret precisely what they were saying as husband and I arrived for dinner a couple of hours after they had got together, and by the floor show we were getting I'm assuming they had been drinking during this time period as well.

      With all these pilgrims sitting around with drinks in hand, it wasn't long before stories and tales began to pour out. I was wondering if this was how Chaucer put his stuff together. Pilgrims certainly are entertaining...

      Because the basis of a pilgrimage is usually about atoning for ones sins, there was discussion of trading 'goodness' points so that they would all be on equal starting points (as I'm pretty sure some of these pilgrims would have been having to walk a lot further than others to 'de-sin' themselves). I think this pilgrimage will probably more have its basis in wine drinking than anything else. And if small blonde sister has anything to do with it there will be many detours via museums and interesting architecture.

      Conversation somehow got onto the topic of using a panadol as contraceptive by holding it between your knees...

      I lost track after that and could drink enough to keep up with (read: understand) what they were saying, but it was fun to watch nonetheless!

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        14 August 2007

        The world is way too small

        Today I was hosting a visiting school group from Lyneham High School (back in Canberra) whose school concert band is on a one week tour at the moment. They came to my work to play a couple of sets and visit our exhibitions.

        It was effing freezing here today, and I had already been complaining about it being a very Canberra morning because we had a frost. I was in the middle of welcome this kiddies when I said something about being from Canberra and one of the boys piped up and said "I know you! You taught me drama at Youth Theatre when I was in year 1". Freakily enough I recognised him immediately after eight years.

        I then said something about having worked at Questacon, and one of the teachers said "I used to volunteer there!".

        Freaky deaky. This world is totally too small. More specifically, Canberra is too small.

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          08 August 2007

          Burnin' down the house

          Last night the church from my old primary school in Canberra burnt down. see here. Although I'm not a practising Catholic, it is sad to think of this beautiful building being burnt out. So many times we had school masses and I'd sit staring at the stained glass making pictures in it.

          Husband is convinced we were slightly brainwashed as children because every time we drove past the school church I'd burst into some random church song. I think this says more about me loving music (and the sound of my own voice) than brainwashing - I would parallel it with remembering random themes songs from TV shows or ads from when I was little (Astro Boy anyone?).

          Anyways, just wanted to give a small nod to a building in which I spent time in over many years(all be it not necessarily by choice) that holds some nice memories.

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            07 August 2007

            Watch out who you call a nerd

            I find the term 'nerd' quite endearing and will happily admit to being a science nerd. The word 'geek' however has more of an IT feel to it to me and wouldn't ever use that term for myself.

            Some people (read 'Americans') may take a bit of offence at being called a 'nerd' over the internet (read 'internerd') and, you know, want to drive 2000km to kill the person who called them that... right? That's normal... totally. Yup. Normal.


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              05 August 2007

              How does one buy a house exactly?

              Recently the average cost of buying a house in Melbourne has been its highest ever - $420,000.

              Husband and I aren't the best of savers*, but we are trying. We figure it will probably take us at least a couple of years to save a deposit.

              Out of interest I thought I'd have a play on some on-line home loan calculators. Which was a sad mistake. We'll probably end up with some ridiculously lengthy loan which means that we'll end up paying $950k by the end of a $350k loan. That is soooo much interest!!! And the repayments aren't likely to leave us with much cashola - but is it worth it just to own a house?

              Then, out of some sort of need to torture myself, I jumped onto Domain to see what house prices were around the place. I don't think I could bring myself to live further out than we already do, but price may prohibit that choice. Why oh why do the pretty ones cost so much money?

              I know people buy houses, but how exactly does one do that?

              And how do people afford kids into that bargain as well? We've always thought we'd like to own our own house before having kidlets, but I may be retiring before that happens.

              Current plan is to make husband and I the sole beneficiaries of everyone we know and then start bopping them on the head. But then who would we invite to our house warming?

              If anyone is feeling philanthropic I'm happy to give you my banking details. Think of me as an investment. I can be very entertaining and I'm sure you will feel your money is well invested. Plus I'll happily have a cup of tea with you at ANY TIME. I'll even throw two small dogs into the bargain... although perhaps that isn't a selling point... I'll let you, um, drive my car?

              *Problem of living in Melbourne is that there is too much fun shopping!

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                03 August 2007

                Driving the steam engine

                Last October I got to drive a small tractor and have a ride on the Cowley Steam Traction Engine (see here). Last weekend I was brave enough to actually drive the massive Cowley around the arena at work.

                Because it is so huge it has a lot of momentum, but it also goes very slowly. So as I was navigating my way around the outside of the arena, each time I'd come to a corner I felt like I was about to run into the fence - just very very slowly. It was a little bit scary just because of its enormity.

                My favourite bit was blowing the big whistle every time I went past a bunch of kidlets. I had many compliments afterwards on my whistle blowing skills.

                I love the random adventures I have here!