Busy Girl
The busyness at work has been due to a couple of things - the big one was the Model SOlar Vehicle Challenge which we hosted over last weekend - and I was the "lucky" person who got to cooridntate it on the day (thankfully not the organiser). Below is a piccie of myself and ever lovely workmate Stina on the roof at work checking out the exciting solar action. Well, mildly interesting solar aciton anyway.
The show seemed to be mostly ASIMO being preprogrammed - i.e. not actually being a robot at all - and also about selling Honda cars. Plus the script was awful. ASIMO was quite cute, a little bit creepy and had a dreadful prerecoorded Australian soundtrack which was supposed to be his voice. He is an amazing piece of technology, just a shame they didn't actually showcase his robotic skills.
I was lucky enough to receive two Ccanberra visitors over the last week - Lan and Ryan (at different times). A nice break from thinking about work and catching up on lots of goss.
Husband, Stina and I also went to the Comedy Club on Collins St - four comedians who all told similar jokes (mostly about how young policemen are and about fingers up bums).
Also caught up with baby CHarlie who is four weeks old now. Had lots of cuddles. THankfully hormones havne't taken over my body and I still have some consciousness left - not feeling clucky at all! Yay!
Model Solar! *snigger*
Hope the nerds all had fun this year. And HI from California :)
araminty, at 12:31 pm
Yes, the nerds had a super time!
And is this my old desk owner??? What are you doing in California?
Miff, at 5:38 pm
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