Where the Grass is Greener

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    17 July 2006

    Pink and sparkly attack

    Saturday I woke up slightly dehydrated after Bastille Day Dinner - this was soon remedied by bacon and eggs, followed by a full day of shopping.

    I didn't purchase much (have already done some sneaky clothes shopping), but I found this really cute shop on Brunswick St called Harem. This was like walking into someone's boudoir - and now I have inspiration for what my dressing room (aka our spare bedroom) will become over time! This place was luxurious and beautiful and could almost cross the line to tacky - I Love It.

    There were mirrored dressing tables, beautiful sparkly jewellery and random pretty things to decorate with (mostly involving lace, pink and feathers).

    Husband will suffer a fear, pink and sparkly attack if he ever goes to this shop - which if I have anything to do with it he will, as that is where all my upcoming presents will be coming from that I have earned for being such a beautiful domestic goddess.

    At Harem I purchased two pink tea cups which are molded so that your tea makes the shape of a love heart - so cute. Makes tea so much yummier.


    • yay for lots of posts!!

      Can't wait to come visit and go to pink sparkly shops (^_^)

      By Blogger Sherd, at 8:31 pm  

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