Feral Hair, Yeah Yeah
I'm attending a wedding in four weeks so am beginning the process of returning to more normal coloured hair this weekend. The difficulty with having brightly coloured hair has been that it doesn't always match my clothes. I don't want to be worried about my hair colour when finding a dress to wear, which is going to be a painful experience in itself. Plus I think I'm starting to grow a mullet.
Husband, on the other hairy side of things, is now sporting the beginnings of a sleazy mo, which he is growing for Movember in aid of raising money for the awareness of men's health. An excellent cause. It has certainly made me aware of how much I dislike moustaches, which can't be good for husband's health, so I guess the program is working...?
He has promised to shave on 1 December. Anyone interested in sponsoring his efforts, please let me know!
Good luck on your hair missions, I hope they both prove to be fruitful projects.
I have many a man I know taking part in Movember & I have to say - GO THE MO!! 'tis a brilliant cause. Look forward to the picture from Nov 30 husband ;)
Anonymous, at 5:45 pm
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