Enough Already!
I have decided that there shall be absolutely no more funerals permitted this year. Even for a few years, that would be better.
The death of my uncle Peeter (good old Eesti's, always more vowels than they need) last Thursday was really not something I had even considered happening so soon - having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer only in April and especially having seen him the night before.
There have been more funerals in my family this year than I have attended in the rest of my life, and I continually catch myself thinking "It's not fair" - which is ridiculous as it wouldn't be 'fair' to anyone, and it's not like it has been an intentional decision on anyone's part that this should happen (this view reflects my excellent Catholic schooling I suppose).
I also found myself thinking about my dad's recent battle with cancer and having the thought "I'm so lucky it wasn't me" - which again is ridiculous because it's not like there was a choice in the matter.
Feeling very drained and tired, and as much as I love my family, I'm really looking forward to spending time with husband in an empty house again. We have our one year wedding anniversary this weekend so are planning a nice evening out.
The death of my uncle Peeter (good old Eesti's, always more vowels than they need) last Thursday was really not something I had even considered happening so soon - having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer only in April and especially having seen him the night before.
There have been more funerals in my family this year than I have attended in the rest of my life, and I continually catch myself thinking "It's not fair" - which is ridiculous as it wouldn't be 'fair' to anyone, and it's not like it has been an intentional decision on anyone's part that this should happen (this view reflects my excellent Catholic schooling I suppose).
I also found myself thinking about my dad's recent battle with cancer and having the thought "I'm so lucky it wasn't me" - which again is ridiculous because it's not like there was a choice in the matter.
Feeling very drained and tired, and as much as I love my family, I'm really looking forward to spending time with husband in an empty house again. We have our one year wedding anniversary this weekend so are planning a nice evening out.
omgoodness you've been married a whole year! That has flown by, feels like only yesterday we were all living in the same city. I'll have a toast to you lovely 2 from over here & remember that great day a year ago. & it was really great, thanks for the memories.
& love & peace to you & yours, it's not fair, ridiculous as that is. xo
Anonymous, at 6:17 pm
Man, alby always steals the best lines. That's what I wanted to say!
Have a lovely, relaxing, family-free weekend kidlets.
Sherd, at 10:21 pm
ps apparently your bloodtype is wd-40
Sherd, at 10:21 pm
Eat, drink and be merry.
Have a great first year celebration.
Love Glen
Anonymous, at 6:16 pm
Miff, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle Peeter. I know some of your pain. I lost my father to pancreatic cancer in 2002. It was 6 months after his first symptom.
And tonight I'm off to visit a dear friend in hospital, probably for the last time. If he survives another 24 hrs, it will be family only after tonight.
But I've come to realise that life is neither fair nor unfair. Life just is. And after a while, life isn't.
But on a lighter note, did you say Peeter was Eesti? I met my first Eesti blogger pal a few weeks ago.
Have a great Paper Anniversary, and lots more to follow.
Anonymous, at 4:47 pm
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