School Uniforms
Today was a pretty windy day. Thankfully my hair is so short these days as to not be ruined by wind, but grit in the eyes is never a welcome pleasure. My car felt it might blow off the road when crossing bridges.
It put me in mind of my school days - more particularly, my school uniform.
Going to an all girls Catholic school, the uniform was designed (I suppose) to be modest and generally unattractive to boys.
Our uniform went see-through when wet, showed every single developing bump and blew up around your ears in the wind. Because of this there was a trend to wear boxers or bike shorts under your uniform to prevent underwear spotters from, well, spotting your undies.
Many were the afternoons I would be wandering home from school to be suddenly enveloped in a world of blue material, and just knowing that the cars driving by were enjoying the view of my Tweety Bird boxers. It was not the stylish Marilyn experience every girl dreams of, more the embarrassing teen struggle against the billowing dress.
There were also the girls who thought that the world should always be looking at their boxers, whose skirts had been pruned to within an inch of their lives (sometimes at school with a pair of scissors and a stapler to do the hem). I couldn't really understand who they were trying to impress with the shortness of their dresses - the Maths teachers? Ew. Perhaps the stinky Daramalan boys on the bus?* Or maybe the perverts in the park who would occasionally turn into flashers?**
So much of school remains a mystery - especially who is the bastard that designs uniforms? Mum, I'm assuming there is a chapter in your thesis on this, so will wait for the answer to that question.
* heh heh, my little joke, as if anyone would like a boy from Daramalan!
**I remember being told that if I ever saw a flasher I should laugh, point, and say "That looks just like a penis only smaller!"
It put me in mind of my school days - more particularly, my school uniform.
Going to an all girls Catholic school, the uniform was designed (I suppose) to be modest and generally unattractive to boys.
Our uniform went see-through when wet, showed every single developing bump and blew up around your ears in the wind. Because of this there was a trend to wear boxers or bike shorts under your uniform to prevent underwear spotters from, well, spotting your undies.
Many were the afternoons I would be wandering home from school to be suddenly enveloped in a world of blue material, and just knowing that the cars driving by were enjoying the view of my Tweety Bird boxers. It was not the stylish Marilyn experience every girl dreams of, more the embarrassing teen struggle against the billowing dress.
There were also the girls who thought that the world should always be looking at their boxers, whose skirts had been pruned to within an inch of their lives (sometimes at school with a pair of scissors and a stapler to do the hem). I couldn't really understand who they were trying to impress with the shortness of their dresses - the Maths teachers? Ew. Perhaps the stinky Daramalan boys on the bus?* Or maybe the perverts in the park who would occasionally turn into flashers?**
So much of school remains a mystery - especially who is the bastard that designs uniforms? Mum, I'm assuming there is a chapter in your thesis on this, so will wait for the answer to that question.
* heh heh, my little joke, as if anyone would like a boy from Daramalan!
**I remember being told that if I ever saw a flasher I should laugh, point, and say "That looks just like a penis only smaller!"
You might want to ask some guys what they actually thought of school uniforms on young ladies when they where the same age, you might find that their first thought when seeing a young ladies dress head up to heaven was "FWOAR".
Don't ask hubby I don't think he's a credible witness when it comes to perving.
Another good line on flashers is "does that come in adult"
Anonymous, at 6:46 pm
good to hear you weren't one of 'those' girls Miff ;)
Anonymous, at 9:20 pm
Hugh - Do they make blue potato sacks for men where you bought your merici uniforms?? He he... they were sooooo bad. The daramlan uniform for girls was a better and more so in winter because the girls white shirts were always semi transparent. Maybe some day i will become a perve at the park too
Anonymous, at 12:49 pm
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