Book Meme #2
Thanks again to some more sneaky Sherdy tagging (and yes, this is much easier than blogging) here is another book meme.
Take the neaest book, turn to page 123, find the fifth sentence and publish the next four.
I'm sitting at husband's computer at home and I've picked up Spike Milligan's Rommel? Gunner Who? A confrontation in the desert which I have not read. I appears to be about his adventures during the war which he has "jazzed up a little" as the prologue states. It also appears to be funny (being Spike Milligan you would expect that).
If I had been at work it would have been Practical Star Gazing, so I think we are all lucky.
Take the neaest book, turn to page 123, find the fifth sentence and publish the next four.
I'm sitting at husband's computer at home and I've picked up Spike Milligan's Rommel? Gunner Who? A confrontation in the desert which I have not read. I appears to be about his adventures during the war which he has "jazzed up a little" as the prologue states. It also appears to be funny (being Spike Milligan you would expect that).
All the mail didn't bring good news. Sgt Dale says "'Ere! My missus has run off with a bleedin' Polish airman!" "That's funny, so 'as mine. They must be short of planes."
If I had been at work it would have been Practical Star Gazing, so I think we are all lucky.
G'day Miff.
I was tagged by this book meme way back in April. I'm fascinated to see how the meme has mutated slightly in this time.
I'm here because I was tagged with the other book meme at the same time as Sherdie.
Cheers -- Mike
MikeFitz, at 8:41 pm
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