Office Goddess is (re)born
The end of my second day at my new job... Tired. It has just gone 8.30pm and I'm thinking of going to bed. I don't mind the going to work part, but I've spent the last two months getting up whenever I like - and I miss it.
So far the job seems like it will be quite interesting, although I'm a little lacking in guidance at the moment. I will be learning to present the Lightning Room (Tesla Coil) and the Planetarium shows, which I wasn't aware was part of the job, but it shouldn't be too difficult and hopefully will be a bit of fun.
I'm not looking forward to working weekends (I will do one full weekend and one Sunday a month) and next week I have to work seven days in a row. Gah!
The people I work with (mostly women, as any good visitor programs team should be) are all very nice and I'm looking forward to getting to know them all better.
My drive to and from work adds up to 78km. This sounds really bad (actually, I suppose it is) but the drive takes about 40mins and is mostly freeway, so it doesn't feel long because I'm always moving. I am investigating shorter routes, although I suspect this will involve purchasing and E-Tag, so each trip would cost something like $6.
For someone who didn't have to fill their car with petrol for a month after arriving here, I'll be re-filling every five days.
I've kind of ruled out the public transport option as the station is too far away to walk to easily, and I don't like the idea of doing that at night.
I've got a little hidey hole desk, which is nice and private. The floor seems pretty quiet, although I'm sure once I'm in my comfort zone it won't stay that way. Bring on the singing.

Item 1: Tall partitions between the desks. Can't see over them when I'm standing. Very different from the open plan office I'm used to!
Item 2: Random boxes of crap left over from past programs (this will look very familiar to Sherdy).

Item 3: The only other person I can see from my desk sits next to me. She is on leave this week, so I'm looking forward to her getting back. It is weird (and I think a little bit of bad planning) to no be able to see the rest of my team mates. They sit behind me in the same set up. My manager sits in a different section altogether.

Item 4: In front of me is a huge set of shelves. Again, lots of random crap from old programs. I'm going to have to be quite diligent in stretching my eyes regularly as the furthest distance I can see is only a few metres.
I'm having to do a bit of re-birth back into office clothes. I'm still trying to work out what the lowest level of casual that will be acceptable is. When I'm presenting I have to wear a uniform (nnnooooooo!!!) so I'm pretty sure (although no one has actually told me this) that I'm going to be wearing a lot of black pants and shoes in my near future. I'm doing a bit of assuming and guess work as to what is expected as I haven't really had an induction yet.
It is strange to go from being the person who knew lots to the person who knows nothing. I can't wait to reach the day where I sit back and smile at how in hand I have things.
I'm still waiting to have my own log in, email address, swipe card and keys. Nothing makes a girl feel welcome like not being able to get into her own building or use the computers!
Now off to bed. I'm pooped.
So far the job seems like it will be quite interesting, although I'm a little lacking in guidance at the moment. I will be learning to present the Lightning Room (Tesla Coil) and the Planetarium shows, which I wasn't aware was part of the job, but it shouldn't be too difficult and hopefully will be a bit of fun.
I'm not looking forward to working weekends (I will do one full weekend and one Sunday a month) and next week I have to work seven days in a row. Gah!
The people I work with (mostly women, as any good visitor programs team should be) are all very nice and I'm looking forward to getting to know them all better.
My drive to and from work adds up to 78km. This sounds really bad (actually, I suppose it is) but the drive takes about 40mins and is mostly freeway, so it doesn't feel long because I'm always moving. I am investigating shorter routes, although I suspect this will involve purchasing and E-Tag, so each trip would cost something like $6.
For someone who didn't have to fill their car with petrol for a month after arriving here, I'll be re-filling every five days.
I've kind of ruled out the public transport option as the station is too far away to walk to easily, and I don't like the idea of doing that at night.
I've got a little hidey hole desk, which is nice and private. The floor seems pretty quiet, although I'm sure once I'm in my comfort zone it won't stay that way. Bring on the singing.

Item 1: Tall partitions between the desks. Can't see over them when I'm standing. Very different from the open plan office I'm used to!

Item 2: Random boxes of crap left over from past programs (this will look very familiar to Sherdy).

Item 3: The only other person I can see from my desk sits next to me. She is on leave this week, so I'm looking forward to her getting back. It is weird (and I think a little bit of bad planning) to no be able to see the rest of my team mates. They sit behind me in the same set up. My manager sits in a different section altogether.

Item 4: In front of me is a huge set of shelves. Again, lots of random crap from old programs. I'm going to have to be quite diligent in stretching my eyes regularly as the furthest distance I can see is only a few metres.
I'm having to do a bit of re-birth back into office clothes. I'm still trying to work out what the lowest level of casual that will be acceptable is. When I'm presenting I have to wear a uniform (nnnooooooo!!!) so I'm pretty sure (although no one has actually told me this) that I'm going to be wearing a lot of black pants and shoes in my near future. I'm doing a bit of assuming and guess work as to what is expected as I haven't really had an induction yet.
It is strange to go from being the person who knew lots to the person who knows nothing. I can't wait to reach the day where I sit back and smile at how in hand I have things.
I'm still waiting to have my own log in, email address, swipe card and keys. Nothing makes a girl feel welcome like not being able to get into her own building or use the computers!
Now off to bed. I'm pooped.
It does look familiar! And kind of comforting as well. On days when I am bored with being a high-flying* policy person, I really miss that world where it's normal to have a mobile of the solar system over your desk. Daisy? Where are you, Daisy?
Bring on the singing indeed!
Also, please say "planet...arium" at least once in every show. I never failed to get at least a chuckle with that line... even if I was probably breaching some sort of copyright. And it's not very original. But who cares about original when you're faced with a hostile** audience?
* sarcasm, in case you missed it
** teenagers
Sherd, at 8:56 am
is very strange, just like Q but with higher (real) walls...
Anonymous, at 6:14 pm
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