Fear of the Unknown (hairdresser)
My hair badly needs a cut. My fringe is getting too long and the rest has gone froophy. I'm way to scared to contemplate cutting it myself (even just a fringe trim would be nice) but I'm also too scared to go to an unknown hairdresser.
I had been going to Edge in O'Connor for 6 years. When I told my hairdresser I was breaking up with him to go to Melbourne he told me that's where hairdressers go who can't get jobs - like some secret place bad ones go to die or something.
Also I used to let my hairdresser just do what he thought best, I rarely had much input, and always liked my cuts.
What if I get a bad hair cut! What do I do? Where do I go!
I'm due in Canberra in a couple of weeks - can I hold out until then to go back to Edge? I feel like that is taking the easy way out and that now I'm all grown up living in a different city I should make the hard decisions.
Woe is me!
I had been going to Edge in O'Connor for 6 years. When I told my hairdresser I was breaking up with him to go to Melbourne he told me that's where hairdressers go who can't get jobs - like some secret place bad ones go to die or something.
Also I used to let my hairdresser just do what he thought best, I rarely had much input, and always liked my cuts.
What if I get a bad hair cut! What do I do? Where do I go!
I'm due in Canberra in a couple of weeks - can I hold out until then to go back to Edge? I feel like that is taking the easy way out and that now I'm all grown up living in a different city I should make the hard decisions.
Woe is me!
darling woe, it's time to venture out into the brave new world of Melbourne hairdressers. Sure, Michael's haircuts have been likened to an addictive drug at times, but you need to get on the 12-step program kiddo. Step 1 - find a hairdresser in the same city as you. Step 2 - buy some hats just in case. I don't know what the other 10 steps are, sorry.
...disclosure: I haven't had my haircut since I moved either...
Sherd, at 1:04 pm
Your fear of the unknown is certainly justified. I had to wait 6 weeks after my first haircut here before my hair looked decent again. She cut so many layers in my hair I looked like a fluff-ball. I would LOVE to be able to go to edge again, no anxiety involoved. I have got a fantastic cut now but it cost me a largish-small fortune so am not sure that can happen again.
I feel your pain my friend & my advice is: put off getting a new hardresser until absolutly forced to (this includes making up excuses to travel interstate when really you just need a haircut). It's a horribly traumatic bad-haircut world out there. Hold out for another 2 weeks - it will be worth it, trust me.
& it will all be better when you've made some funky Melbourne friends & they can recommend someone to you because that makes all the difference.
Or, have hair like Sherds which looks fantastic even when it hasn't been cut for 6 months. Lucky bugger ;)
Anonymous, at 7:49 pm
yeah, I think that's a good option.
heh heh.
*head swells due to awesome hair*
Sherd, at 7:59 pm
1 Bowl (large)
1 pair scissors (blunt)
2 mirrors (warped)
You can get someone else to do the difficult back bits for you, but that's a little posh, you don't want people thinking you're trying to hard.
Anonymous, at 11:14 pm
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