Time to share the love
Sometimes, when I'm holed up in my little world of warm* watching TV, knitting, reading, drinking lots of tea, waiting for husband to come home so I can eat dinner, I forget that there is a world outside of Melbourne of people who are fabulous and who I love dearly. Then I get little reminders which usually set me off on some big memory fest.
Examples are as follows:
Pretty cards with pink iced heart shaped cookies on the front from Natnou promising to visit soon with multitudes of girlie movies.
Phone calls from Alby at just the right time to let me tell her about how things are going, the good and the sad.
Presents of guitar music from Lan with extremely Lan-esque cards to accompany them. Smartest chicken ever, worst spelling. I love you! Mail is good for the soul.
Reading Sherdy's blog - I always laugh and it cheers me up, and I feel like she's just around the corner.
Visits to the QKC Writeboard makes me feel like we are all in the same city still. You girls are fabulous.
Long phone calls to a pregnant Fitzy where I laugh until I almost wet my pants.
Phone calls from my mum - who is notorious for not talking on the phone.
Emails and phone calls from my bruvva in the US - can't wait to see you.
Courageous and honest emails from my dad with updates on his cancer treatment, which often I can't finish reading because I think I might cry. Daddy, you are so brave.
Random SMS from my sister. Regular would be even better... (hint hint)
Comments on my blog from Glen - I love that you read this and always have something funny to say!
Emails from people at Q keeping me updated with all the goss. Bring it on!
Hmm, this has turned into a very soppy post. Perhaps I am premenstrual? But it is nice to feel so loved by people who are all so far away. Also, I'm hoping that this will make more little reminders of love show up and make my sister call me, cos she has been slack on the sharing of the love. (^_^)
* Sometimes it is still cold as the central heating still seems to be on the fritz. But generally it is warm, I just have to get out the column heater and a quilt.
Examples are as follows:
Pretty cards with pink iced heart shaped cookies on the front from Natnou promising to visit soon with multitudes of girlie movies.
Phone calls from Alby at just the right time to let me tell her about how things are going, the good and the sad.
Presents of guitar music from Lan with extremely Lan-esque cards to accompany them. Smartest chicken ever, worst spelling. I love you! Mail is good for the soul.
Reading Sherdy's blog - I always laugh and it cheers me up, and I feel like she's just around the corner.
Visits to the QKC Writeboard makes me feel like we are all in the same city still. You girls are fabulous.
Long phone calls to a pregnant Fitzy where I laugh until I almost wet my pants.
Phone calls from my mum - who is notorious for not talking on the phone.
Emails and phone calls from my bruvva in the US - can't wait to see you.
Courageous and honest emails from my dad with updates on his cancer treatment, which often I can't finish reading because I think I might cry. Daddy, you are so brave.
Random SMS from my sister. Regular would be even better... (hint hint)
Comments on my blog from Glen - I love that you read this and always have something funny to say!
Emails from people at Q keeping me updated with all the goss. Bring it on!
Hmm, this has turned into a very soppy post. Perhaps I am premenstrual? But it is nice to feel so loved by people who are all so far away. Also, I'm hoping that this will make more little reminders of love show up and make my sister call me, cos she has been slack on the sharing of the love. (^_^)
* Sometimes it is still cold as the central heating still seems to be on the fritz. But generally it is warm, I just have to get out the column heater and a quilt.
And I love that you have something to say, that eases the way I feel about missing you and husband.
Anonymous, at 8:26 pm
PS, I'm a bloke and even I love the heart shaped tea cup.
Anonymous, at 8:28 pm
...answer on writeboard...
Sherd, at 10:37 pm
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