If only whereis.com could actually tell me where my personal belonings are. I love that I can call my mobile phone when I lose it and wish my wallet, TV remote and ugh boots all had similar features. If only someone could invent a neat little website where I could go to find out where my stuff is, entitled whereismystuff.com This does not appear to exist yet. Why?
This need has become stronger as I unpack all our boxes from moving. Most of our belongings have been unpacked now, but there are still many boxes hanging around that either I can't bear to look at because I know I'll have to find places to store it, or are labeled so randomly that I haven't bothered opening them yet.*
So today I'm looking for dog nail clippers. As it turns out Buster is too small to wear down her own nails. Now that we are in a polished floor board house, the length of her nails had become acoustically apparent. Cannot find bloody nail clippers!
Where are all our laundry baskets? I can only find one! Did all our black socks getting eaten my the moving truck? I can't find the specific books I feel like reading either. wherearethey.com?
Another random item I tried finding was a plastic lady bug book mark that used to be in my bedside table. That was found in the box with the bathroom stuff. whythefuckdidIpackitlikethat.com?????
Why does the world not run according to my needs and wants?
On a happier note, I did find a cafe/bakery called 'Something Sweet' that is open before 10am on Sundays. Finding something open on Sundays at all has been a challenge, but this cafe is pretty cute and the food delish.
*I found boxes 'Odd and Sods' 1-6 very helpful labeling. Thanks for that G&S (and I don't mean Gilbert & Sullivan).
This need has become stronger as I unpack all our boxes from moving. Most of our belongings have been unpacked now, but there are still many boxes hanging around that either I can't bear to look at because I know I'll have to find places to store it, or are labeled so randomly that I haven't bothered opening them yet.*
So today I'm looking for dog nail clippers. As it turns out Buster is too small to wear down her own nails. Now that we are in a polished floor board house, the length of her nails had become acoustically apparent. Cannot find bloody nail clippers!
Where are all our laundry baskets? I can only find one! Did all our black socks getting eaten my the moving truck? I can't find the specific books I feel like reading either. wherearethey.com?
Another random item I tried finding was a plastic lady bug book mark that used to be in my bedside table. That was found in the box with the bathroom stuff. whythefuckdidIpackitlikethat.com?????
Why does the world not run according to my needs and wants?
On a happier note, I did find a cafe/bakery called 'Something Sweet' that is open before 10am on Sundays. Finding something open on Sundays at all has been a challenge, but this cafe is pretty cute and the food delish.
*I found boxes 'Odd and Sods' 1-6 very helpful labeling. Thanks for that G&S (and I don't mean Gilbert & Sullivan).
You should be Lan - shame on you for helping your friend pack! ;)
My trouble is similar, I too have boxes unpacked but nowhere to put the stuff (or don't want to put it in the communal group house space). But I for some strange reason like looking in the boxes occasionally to see what's in there & look at my stuff that has to live in a box. crazy I know but I least I know where it is...
House-sitting & trying to remember if the particular thing I'm looking for is here, at home, or still in canberra is another story tho...
Anonymous, at 7:58 pm
Lan you did a brilliant job, and I owe you big time! 'Kitchen' is a good label. 'Odds and Sods' on the other hand...
Miff, at 3:02 pm
But naming the boxes odds n sod’s makes it like a present, like a box of chocolates "You never know what you're gonna get."
Anonymous, at 3:50 pm
Sorry Lan, Secret Storemans Business can't reveal the secret handshake or codes we use.
Anonymous, at 1:59 pm
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