Americans Hate Breast Feeding
Dear, dear me. Husband sent me this article about outrage of showing a woman breast feeding on the cover of a baby magazine in America (this was because we had been discussing the puritanical nature of America, we are not having babies yet and it wasn't a hint that we should have babies or that breast feeding is good/bad m'kay). Yes, the photo was on a baby magazine. A magazine for mothers - the ones most likely to be breast feeding.
What is crazy about it is that the people who said it was "gross", were "shocked" or were "offended" by the picture were bloody women! And also mothers!!!! Gah! What is that about? It's not like you can even see any nipple!
I can't understand how a woman could say that seeing someone breast feed is "gross"! It makes you wonder how these women were brought up and what sort of world they live in now. When they breast feed do they just not look down? Do they do it hidden away so as not to shock or embarrass the men folk? I mean really. That is ridiculous.
Now I know I'm not a mother, but if I were breast feeding and anyone told me it was gross, they'd very soon be having to stick their toothbrush up their bum to brush their teeth.*
* As my father would say. Admittedly he had to explain what he meant when I first heard it.
What is crazy about it is that the people who said it was "gross", were "shocked" or were "offended" by the picture were bloody women! And also mothers!!!! Gah! What is that about? It's not like you can even see any nipple!
I can't understand how a woman could say that seeing someone breast feed is "gross"! It makes you wonder how these women were brought up and what sort of world they live in now. When they breast feed do they just not look down? Do they do it hidden away so as not to shock or embarrass the men folk? I mean really. That is ridiculous.
Now I know I'm not a mother, but if I were breast feeding and anyone told me it was gross, they'd very soon be having to stick their toothbrush up their bum to brush their teeth.*
* As my father would say. Admittedly he had to explain what he meant when I first heard it.
The good old USA, land of the free, land of the brave.
Land of the most inept and screwed up people on the face of the planet, I once heard a story about American tourists in the house of William Shakespeare’s parents complaining that they need to install escalators so they don't have to walk up stairs.
So I'm not surprised by their stupidity when it comes to something such as breastfeeding.
I think maybe one of the reason why they complain about a subject such as this is that boobs pop up all the time in a sexual nature so they go ok, seen it before.
But put a breast up on the cover of a magazine breastfeeding and they go "shock Horror we can't have that" we don't see that as much.
Bloody Yanks.
Anonymous, at 4:17 pm
All I can hope is that a husband, who is uncomfortable with the sight of a breastfeeding baby, is uncomfortable with the act one has to go through to receive such baby, forever eradicating his genes from the rest of the world.
I bet their love life must be interesting?
Anonymous, at 4:22 pm
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