Rain, hail AND shine
When I woke up this morning it was raining. No big surprise there, I am in Melbourne.
By mid morning the clouds had gone and it was sunny. Now, I've begun to learn from recent experiences and so did not hang out any washing. This was a good thing as soon enough it was raining again - even though the sun was still out.
So I'm sitting on the couch quite smug in the knowledge that I had cleverly hung my washing inside over the clothes horse. Yes, yes, I'm very clever for remembering that it rains without warning here.
Somehow, within and hour I had forgotten this and decided to take the dogs for a walk, because it was nice and sunny and the rain was surely over. I was planning a nice long exploration walk, looking at other people's front yards and generally being nosy.
I wasn't even half way down the street before it started to drizzle a bit.
No problem - I can handle drizzle. It was bound to stop soon anyway. It did. It stopped drizzling and started raining.
Alrighty, we'll just walk around the block at a nice brisk pace. It'll stop raining soon anyway. It did. It stopped raining and started hailing.
I felt like a bit of a dick walking in the hail, and the dogs were starting to do the whole "Ewwww, I'm getting wet! My fur is gonna go all frizzy! Can't we just go into this house right here?" so I thought we'd better run home.
A few strides later I realised you can't hold your pants up as well as hold your sun glasses on your head AND hold two dogs. I'm pretty sure I was peddling some crack, and the dogs were tangled around my legs.
Thankfully by this point the hail had gone back to just hard old rain, so I pulled up my pants and we set a fast pace for home.
Now I'm inside in the warm, the dogs have dried themselves off on their bedding and the sun is bloody out again!
The weather here, more particularly the rain, reminds me of when I get the hiccups. Once I've got them I seem to get them over and over again throughout the day. So here's my theory:
Melbourne's diagphragm is out of synchronisation with its lungs.
Someone needs to give it a really big fright or make it drink a glass of water upside-down. That usually works for me.
Oh, it's raining again. At least I will never have to water the garden. And my grass is nice and green!
By mid morning the clouds had gone and it was sunny. Now, I've begun to learn from recent experiences and so did not hang out any washing. This was a good thing as soon enough it was raining again - even though the sun was still out.
So I'm sitting on the couch quite smug in the knowledge that I had cleverly hung my washing inside over the clothes horse. Yes, yes, I'm very clever for remembering that it rains without warning here.
Somehow, within and hour I had forgotten this and decided to take the dogs for a walk, because it was nice and sunny and the rain was surely over. I was planning a nice long exploration walk, looking at other people's front yards and generally being nosy.
I wasn't even half way down the street before it started to drizzle a bit.
No problem - I can handle drizzle. It was bound to stop soon anyway. It did. It stopped drizzling and started raining.
Alrighty, we'll just walk around the block at a nice brisk pace. It'll stop raining soon anyway. It did. It stopped raining and started hailing.
I felt like a bit of a dick walking in the hail, and the dogs were starting to do the whole "Ewwww, I'm getting wet! My fur is gonna go all frizzy! Can't we just go into this house right here?" so I thought we'd better run home.
A few strides later I realised you can't hold your pants up as well as hold your sun glasses on your head AND hold two dogs. I'm pretty sure I was peddling some crack, and the dogs were tangled around my legs.
Thankfully by this point the hail had gone back to just hard old rain, so I pulled up my pants and we set a fast pace for home.
Now I'm inside in the warm, the dogs have dried themselves off on their bedding and the sun is bloody out again!
The weather here, more particularly the rain, reminds me of when I get the hiccups. Once I've got them I seem to get them over and over again throughout the day. So here's my theory:
Melbourne's diagphragm is out of synchronisation with its lungs.
Someone needs to give it a really big fright or make it drink a glass of water upside-down. That usually works for me.
Oh, it's raining again. At least I will never have to water the garden. And my grass is nice and green!
..peddling some crack...
heh heh.
Sherd, at 7:52 pm
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