A weekend summary
After three full days at work - yes, a whole three - I was absolutley sodding wrecked. Being the first non-domestic related work I had done in two months it was hard to get back into a routine more structured than "Queer Eye at 12, Oprah at 1, then maybe some lunch and read a book". Getting up at 6.30am has been a challenge too.
So following my day at work on Friday I was glad to receive a sms inviting me for drinkies with Bernadette. At home both husband and I collapsed on the couch and agreed it woulld be a lazy weekend.
Saturday was breakfast at the markets and then grocery shopping. It was freezing in the morning, but once the sun managed to pierce through the clouds it was quite a nice day. A day nice enough to go shopping on Brunswick St!!!
We purchased a whole new outfit (including shoes) for husband, a couple of new tops for me, and a gym membership for the two of us. We are so way totally motivated. Like totally. We are soooo going to go to the gym.
Sunday morning saw me on Brunswick St again having coffee with J.Wo who has a lovely little baby bump on the grow. Very cute on someone so tiny! I caught up on all the Q happenings, and shared all my happenings here.
One of the things I miss most of all about being new somewhere isn't so much that I don't know anyone but that I don't know anyone well enough to gossip about them or with them. Except my relatives of course. ;o)
Husband and I visited the gym and played on the cardio stuff. Felt v invigorated.
Sunday afternoon was lazily spent having a 'craft-a-noon' thanks to a pressie from Sherdy of a ladybug cross stitch. I am so craft-a-licious. Admittedly I cocked it up a little bit, but I managed to unpick and fix. Will post a piccie of my clever, clever work when I remember to download one from my phone.
So following my day at work on Friday I was glad to receive a sms inviting me for drinkies with Bernadette. At home both husband and I collapsed on the couch and agreed it woulld be a lazy weekend.
Saturday was breakfast at the markets and then grocery shopping. It was freezing in the morning, but once the sun managed to pierce through the clouds it was quite a nice day. A day nice enough to go shopping on Brunswick St!!!
We purchased a whole new outfit (including shoes) for husband, a couple of new tops for me, and a gym membership for the two of us. We are so way totally motivated. Like totally. We are soooo going to go to the gym.
Sunday morning saw me on Brunswick St again having coffee with J.Wo who has a lovely little baby bump on the grow. Very cute on someone so tiny! I caught up on all the Q happenings, and shared all my happenings here.
One of the things I miss most of all about being new somewhere isn't so much that I don't know anyone but that I don't know anyone well enough to gossip about them or with them. Except my relatives of course. ;o)
Husband and I visited the gym and played on the cardio stuff. Felt v invigorated.
Sunday afternoon was lazily spent having a 'craft-a-noon' thanks to a pressie from Sherdy of a ladybug cross stitch. I am so craft-a-licious. Admittedly I cocked it up a little bit, but I managed to unpick and fix. Will post a piccie of my clever, clever work when I remember to download one from my phone.
J.Wo's baby is going to be the cutest and cleverest baby evs...
With curly, curly hair.
Sherd, at 6:24 pm
OMG yes! Both on the cute and curly!
Miff, at 11:39 am
I bet it'll be a big tubby bubby just to rebel against it's parents early ;) Except that it will be a delightful, respectful, modest child & will have no need to rebel.. so maybe that's why it'll get in early & be a cute and curly-haired fatty-boomba-tubby-bubby!
yay for lazy weekends, except that you went to the gym, you know that doesn't really fit the whole 'lazy' theme... but I am a fan of the gymnasium myself so way to go, am very impressed by your new membership. I am also very pleased that I can bask in the goodness that is Brunswick Street thru you :)
Anonymous, at 4:52 pm
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