No beer and no TV makes Homer something something...
Feeling a little 'something something' as our modem at home has bitten the dust, and we won't be getting a new one for 2-3 weeks. Oh bother.
So, some stories I have to share will have to go unaccompanied by pictures because the pics are at home and the internet is not.
Story 1
I had my hair dyed last week and now have bright purple stripes instead of red ones. I must admit, it does worry me somewhat that my hair has been severely bleached, and as has my toilet. It concerns me that chemicals similar to those I put on rubber gloves to use when cleaning as perfectly acceptable to put on my hair.
Every time my hair has had bleach on it I am always surprised at how quickly it works and how easily it strips the pigment from my hair. On this occasion, however, the bleach (strong as it was) wasn't able to get the red stain out of my hair from the last dye. That is scary - strong, dangerous chemicals can't get out other strong dangerous chemicals. Damn chemistry.
Story 2
Funerals suck. I know this isn't news to anyone, but I just had to mention it. Although the funeral wasn't for a direct relative, they are still sucky. Plus I'm getting over that 'You Raise Me Up' boy band song that has been played at the last two funerals I've been to - it just makes me a big soppy hanky girl.
Story 3
Have been returning to my domestic goddess roots by preparing a gift for baby Fitzy in my RDO's last week. It was nice as it reminded me of when I had no job, and my days were care free! Every time I have my two day working week (following my seven day straight one) I always feel like perhaps I should return to my domestic goddess lifestyle - but then I remember that I would have no money. Which is crap.
Story 4
First sunburn of the season - hurrah! Every year I get secretly (or maybe to so secretly) excited when I get burnt as it means Summer is on the way. I know it is wrong to be happy that I'm sun burnt, and yes, yes, skin cancer, blah, blah, blah... but I figure these days it is just a matter of choosing the cancer! Not really. Once I get burnt I'm actually pretty good with using sunscreen, but there's just that warm, tinlgy little thrill (warm because my skin is hot and tingly because it then gets itchy) I get when I know it is warming up again!
Story 5
I'm traveling to Canberra this weekend for Fitzy's baby shower which I'm very excited about. It has been interesting researching baby shower games, especially the 'Guess the Poo' game where you mush up chocolate bars or ice cream to make it look like poo, put it in a nappy and then get everyone to guess what the poo is made of. Thankfully there is no eating of the poo after this games.
Also looking forward to seeing my dad, who is looking a little like a butternut pumpkin post removal of lymph nodes and jugular vein.
So, some stories I have to share will have to go unaccompanied by pictures because the pics are at home and the internet is not.
Story 1
I had my hair dyed last week and now have bright purple stripes instead of red ones. I must admit, it does worry me somewhat that my hair has been severely bleached, and as has my toilet. It concerns me that chemicals similar to those I put on rubber gloves to use when cleaning as perfectly acceptable to put on my hair.
Every time my hair has had bleach on it I am always surprised at how quickly it works and how easily it strips the pigment from my hair. On this occasion, however, the bleach (strong as it was) wasn't able to get the red stain out of my hair from the last dye. That is scary - strong, dangerous chemicals can't get out other strong dangerous chemicals. Damn chemistry.
Story 2
Funerals suck. I know this isn't news to anyone, but I just had to mention it. Although the funeral wasn't for a direct relative, they are still sucky. Plus I'm getting over that 'You Raise Me Up' boy band song that has been played at the last two funerals I've been to - it just makes me a big soppy hanky girl.
Story 3
Have been returning to my domestic goddess roots by preparing a gift for baby Fitzy in my RDO's last week. It was nice as it reminded me of when I had no job, and my days were care free! Every time I have my two day working week (following my seven day straight one) I always feel like perhaps I should return to my domestic goddess lifestyle - but then I remember that I would have no money. Which is crap.
Story 4
First sunburn of the season - hurrah! Every year I get secretly (or maybe to so secretly) excited when I get burnt as it means Summer is on the way. I know it is wrong to be happy that I'm sun burnt, and yes, yes, skin cancer, blah, blah, blah... but I figure these days it is just a matter of choosing the cancer! Not really. Once I get burnt I'm actually pretty good with using sunscreen, but there's just that warm, tinlgy little thrill (warm because my skin is hot and tingly because it then gets itchy) I get when I know it is warming up again!
Story 5
I'm traveling to Canberra this weekend for Fitzy's baby shower which I'm very excited about. It has been interesting researching baby shower games, especially the 'Guess the Poo' game where you mush up chocolate bars or ice cream to make it look like poo, put it in a nappy and then get everyone to guess what the poo is made of. Thankfully there is no eating of the poo after this games.
Also looking forward to seeing my dad, who is looking a little like a butternut pumpkin post removal of lymph nodes and jugular vein.
I am seriously, seriously grossed out by the Guess the Poo game. I think I may need to be in another room when that one is played.
ps you are such a goddess for putting the blanket together!!
pps I am crap. I apologise for my crapness. Next baby I'll do more. I swear. (2007?)
ppps see you soon!!
Sherd, at 1:49 pm
I would like to see photos of your new chemical-coated hair & of the 'Guess the Poo' game. Yes, gross as it maybe I still want to see what I'm missing. Sorry, that's the poo gross, not your hair gross. Although I am missing both.
Anonymous, at 2:37 pm
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