No more beer please
There are a few reasons as to why there has been an increase in my alcohol consumption:
- Taxis are cheaper here - husband and I are more likely to catch a cab because of the cheapness, but also because we never know where we are going, so it is easier to get someone else who doesn't know where we are going to worry about it and drive us there.
- Public transport is better here - we can catch a tram to the city, out to dinner, to the pub all for $3.20! The trams come regularly along Plenty Rd so we never have to wait too long.
- The pub is within walking distance (if I'm not feeling like a whinge and I'm not wearing heels).
- My aunt and cousins live within walking distance, and Friday's have become drinkies night. I can consume several bottles of champers and still get home easily.
- We have a lot of house guests from Canberra, which means there is either a big party on (which equals lots of drinking) or they are just visiting family (which equals a lot of drinking).
- The very hot days we randomly have here means I have to drink Lemoncello or vanilla vodka from the freezer on a regular basis.
- Any Estonian events (of which there have been several lately) involves a lot of vodka shots. Oh dear, oh dear...
So, yes, there are many reasons which have added together to help make my poor body suffer at the hands of dehydration. I have been drinking lots of water at work every week in preparation for the alcoholic onslaught that is likely to hit me every weekend.
One of the worst things about drinking is that I can't get a good sleep in the following day because I inevitably have to get up for a wee early in the morning, at which point I might as well stay awake and feel sorry for myself.
OK, with that out of my system (although the alcohol may not be), can you guess what I did on the weekend?
Friday night saw a Play Station and every single Sing Star disc arrive at my house, accompanied by brother, girlfriend and Egypt Liz (and Eesti Ray later on with his cousin). Premium beers we on special at Woolies (or Safeway, whatever) so I bought a case of Crownies which went down altogether too easily. For some reason, brother and Egypt Liz insist on drinking Passion Pop - I feel dirty and cheap just thinking about the fact that there is still a bottle in my house.
Many a stretched vocal chord later we went to bed.
The next morning I woke up with a head-achy start (ow!) at 9.45am, realising I had to be at the hair dressers at 10.30am. I was at the hair dressers until about 2pm (the joys of cut and colour) by which time I had consumed lots of water, had lost my hangover and was ready for some MacDonald's (after all, it was McHappy Day).
A brief interlude of quitness at home, and then the mad rush of five people trying to get ready all at once in a small one bathroomed house.
We got to Estonian House in Brunswick in pleanty of time for the Spring Ball, despite the taxi being half an hour late (having ordered it an hour early I was a little peeved). I must say, I like a bar where beers are $2.50, and it became even more dangerous when Ray got out his esky. Oh dear. And then there were rounds of vodka shots.
We had a good time on the dance floor, although I started to feel motion sickness due to a combinaiton of beer, mirror ball and copious amount of spinning due to rumba with husband.
Yesterday was totally relaxing - I drank lots of water and sat under the lemon tree all day reading and planning the menu for Christmas. I wish every day was Sunday.
Oh how I mish being unemployed! Missing my Domestic Goddess status, which makes it hard to come to work.
I tried to drink a sip of it, but it was too feral. Mr mechanical, you are totally the winner of that challenge list and I have eternal respect for you!!!
Miff, at 4:14 pm
Sounds like great fun. Even if it does hurt my liver thinking about it...
Anonymous, at 7:00 pm
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