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    28 May 2007

    Creation Museum

    Yes, the Americans have finally managed it - a Creation Museum has just opened in Kentucky.

    The $33million (Australian) museum features diaoramas of the dinosaurs that went on Noah's Ark, because dinosaurs always bring in the crowds. Although these ones were (apparently) in existence 6,000yrs ago. They are also host to a Planetarium which espouses the message that the universe is also 6,000yrs old.

    "Because the wizardry of modern science actually works, the Creation Museum was designed to suggest that science demonstrates the viability of a literal interpretation of Genesis. In order to argue that science justifies a six-day creation of the Earth, a 6000 year old universe, and a world where dinosaurs and humans happily roamed together, the Creation Museum has to misrepresent the process and results of science, and lies about the scientific record. And it does this not just once, but via every single dazzling animatronic display and explanation that goes along with it...

    Religious tolerance is important in modern society. But there should be little tolerance for religiously motivated fraud. Media, and government officials alike need to be clear that this project as misguided, as they would more easily do if the fraud was not religiously motivated. Parents should be ready to bring lawsuits for any school system that uses public funds to bring students to this museum of misinformation." (source)

    Very, very, very worrying. And saddening. To think that people can visit this museum and think it is a credible source.


    • The statement that it was designed by an ex Universal Studios person says it all, nothing but fiction wrapped up as fact.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:15 pm  

    • If millions of people can regard the bible as an accurate historical record, or a morality handbook, then the Creation museum is a very, very small lie to swallow.

      'Religiously correct' education of this sort should be regarded as a gross dereliction of parental duty, as it is aimed at crippling the child's ability to analyse and question. It is anti-educational.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:09 pm  

    • I read an interview with the creator of this and one of the cornerstones to his argument was that the bibles factual because we all know how accurate that the written and spoken word is for noting history.
      Funny how I remember lots of comments in the bible on lambs, goats and lions but nothing on dinosaurs, I'm sure that would have been something worth writing or speaking about for oral history.
      "Yeah no joke, I was watching this dude speak to a burning bush and this giant lizard just walked by".

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:37 am  

    • Sadly this "Creation Museum" is not an isolated incident. It is just the latest symptom of the Christian Fundamentalism disease that is crippling America.

      For years now, the Bush government has forbidden the National Parks Service from distributing their brochure which describe the geological processes which formed the Grand Canyon.

      Clearly, the Grand Canyon cannot be 40,000 to 60,000 years old when the Bible says that creation only happened 6,000 years ago. It was obviously created by the receding waters of Noah's flood. AAaaaaarrrggghh!

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:58 pm  

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