Where the Grass is Greener

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    27 May 2007

    RIP very little brown mousies 3,4,5&6...

    Ummm, how many mice constitutes a plague?

    Husband tells me that when he lived on the farm you knew it was a plague because when you looked outside all you could see were little eyes and fur. For this reason he doesn't really like antichinus, having lived through several plagues of them.

    Over the last 24hours my brave little dog Beans has caught four baby mice! Finally getting some return on that little bastard (who I love, but he really is a little bastard).

    Pretty sure mousies 1&2 were the parents and now the babies have been forced out to forage.

    I've begun anthropomorphising them a bit, which makes me feel sorry for them, which is bad, and stupid, and not at all scientific. I stopped feeling too sorry when I realised they had shat everywhere in MY BOUDOIR! Yes, the mousies have been living in my boudoir, in amongst our videos (which since the arrival of the DVD player have not seen much light).

    So we spent the day (with Beans as our back up) pulling apart the room and cleaning it. Although it was gross to see where they had gotten into, I did come across lots of fun things I had forgotten about, or not seen in a long time, or had shoved randomly in boxes when we moved here.

    Part of the problem of having no built in storage when you are used to having lots, is that stuff tends to pile up and accumulate as there is nowhere else for it to go. And this provides a nice little home for mousies. Ew and urgh.

    Well, all my mouse-seeing-and-squealing is hopefully over now, so I can look forward to a more restful time next weekend.


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