Snipers or paranoia?
All day at work I have been noticing small red dots of light hovering around me - sometimes on the wall next to me, on my hands, on my clothes. I was starting to think that I was perhaps being stalked by a small child with a laser pointer, or alternatively, I had finally been tracked down by the small man at the winery who we had over-confidently (read: drunkenly) scared into giving us free stuff, and he was having me assassinated by sniper.
Surprisingly it took me while to remember that I was wearing red mirrored earrings (as one does) and that it was merely a reflection. Is it wrong that my mind jumped to sniper?

In Perth I too got confused by the red dots and wondered about the possibility of snipers.
Lucky I didn't say anything out loud huh?
Anonymous, at 8:09 am
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