Geckos and Bananas
I had no idea we had geckos in Victoria until husband spotted one on our backyard umbrella this morning.
I'm very curious to know what type of gecko it was, so have emailed the Museum Victoria Discovery Centre. They have an 'ask an expert' function where you can email them and they either research the answer or find out through one of the Museum scientists / curators / historians / museoligists etc.
While I was there I noticed their question of the week - is a Banana a vegetable, fruit or a herb? Surprisingly the answer is two of these... see here.
I'm very curious to know what type of gecko it was, so have emailed the Museum Victoria Discovery Centre. They have an 'ask an expert' function where you can email them and they either research the answer or find out through one of the Museum scientists / curators / historians / museoligists etc.
While I was there I noticed their question of the week - is a Banana a vegetable, fruit or a herb? Surprisingly the answer is two of these... see here.
you made me look.
v. interesting.
I want geckos in canberra but shan't hold my breath!
Anonymous, at 7:41 am
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