Where the Grass is Greener

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    05 January 2008

    No more holidays.

    Had such a ncie Chrissy break at the beach with my bee-atches that it was hard to come back home and go to work. Actaully, it is quite a relief to be back in my own bed and my own town - I just wish I lived at Potato Point!

    Weather has been ridiculously hot here in Melbs, and I'm glad we have air con in the lounge room. I am very not amused by the lack of cooling down at night though.

    I'm pretty sure I used to like summer, but maybe I just think that in winter, cos I'm pretty sure I don't like winter during winter...

    Currently presenting a liquid nitrogen/Antarctica show outside at work during the hols. Even though I know liquid N would burn me/cause cell death I still get urges on those hot days to maybe just pour some over me. Have managed not to give into that one, so snaps for me.

    Haven't got much work on, which is boring and a little frustrating. This is what you get when your manager forgets they are your manager and goes on leave without giving you any work... ho hum. Am about to spend 4hrs straight in the Planetarium, which I am not all that excited about. Boredom usually hits about 15mins in.

    Gee I sound liek a happy little sparrow today! That's what working weekends will do for you I suppose!


    • No, don't do the liquid nitrogen thing.

      Being fair of skin and having spent every school holidays either on the farm or on the beach under a Queensland sun and in the decades before skin cancer was invented... Well, let's just say I now have regular 6-monthly appointments with my dermatologist who puts liquid nitrogen on my not-so-bad bits. (The really bad bits get referred to a surgeon)

      For most medical procedures, the doctor will say "This won't hurt a bit". However, for liquid nitrogen, the doc will say "This will hurt. A lot. Deal with it!"

      Just sayin'. I don't want to see you hurt yourself.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:05 am  

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