Where the Grass is Greener

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    15 March 2008

    Garden Guilt

    Yesterday we had a 40 degree day and a 38 degree day before that. One of the only times I'm happy to be locked up inside at work! The heat was pretty stifling, but thankfully a cool change came through in the evening so sleeping wasn't too traumatic (it only got down to 27.7 degrees the night before which was not pleasant). I like to check the weather patterns at the Melbs Uni earth sciences page and it is quite scary to see just how small a drop we had on Thursday night.

    But the garden guilt - oh the garden guilt! Our tree ferns (which have been cleverly planted in full sun by our land lord) have survived the last two years of you habitation without much love and care - despite my mother's best guilt trips about them needing water every second day. But the heat of the last two days seems to have been the last straw - they basically went brown over the day causing me to water them with grey water last night, and before 8am this morning with the hose (we can only water between 6am and 8am on Saturdays and Tuesdays).

    I'm hoping to rejuvenate them as we have already killed a birch tree and my land lord is such a nice little man! Even though I think that it isn't a very good use of water (particularly because we don't own the house) seeing those brown fronds yesterday guilted me good.

    Watch out Tuesday morning, here comes the hose!


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