Bringing the HP Home
I know she is sad to be leaving Sydney, but a fresh start away from idiotic co-workers is good for the soul.
I'm worried that this could mean bad things for my body as her arrival may mean the consumption of much beer. However, if she is still on her pilgrimage training, it may be a good thing for my fitness levels.
Sending her lots of kisses and love, hoping that the move isn't too traumatic and that the dickhead possibly pulls his finger out and actually talks to her. Not that I'm cranky at him or anything...
Good Luck HP, moving is never a very pleasant experience but Melbs sure is a wonderful town. especially with the Miffsta in it, even if it does mean that you'll both be bad influences.
Anonymous, at 10:16 pm
Beer good, fire bad.
Anonymous, at 12:13 pm
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