Where the Grass is Greener

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    19 March 2008

    'The Island' farewells big blondie

    Have had RDOs the last two days after working the weekend. On Tuesday I had a few errands in the morning, had hot cross buns for morning tea, watched the start of Dr Phil, realised I hate Dr Phil and then went to the gym on my own (this is v significant).

    Got home stinky and sweaty to find messages from husband wanting to be collected from the city and go to South Melbs to see Glen & Michelle off on the Spirit of Tassie as they make the move off 'The Island' (apparently this is what the mainland is referred to by those very well bred Taswegians).

    The boat is effing huge! I mean, I get that is takes people and cars across the water, and that it takes a lot of people and cars, but it really is enormous!

    The 12hr trip saw them arrive safe and sound is Tassie at 8am this morning.

    Hope y'all are settling in OK and that your cabin in Snug is nicer than the deluxe boarding kennel your cats are in.


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